All Classes and Interfaces
Convenient base class for service setups.
Service implementation for Appveyor.
Service implementation for Atlassian Bamboo.
Source callback handler that allows chaining multiple callback handlers.
Service implementation for CircleCI.
Handles parsing of a coverage report.
Constructs and setups the project environment and continuous integration service.
General implementation for any continuous integration service that provides the required
environment properties.
Display help information on coveralls-maven-plugin.
mvn coveralls:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name>
to display parameter details.Service implementation for Jenkins.
Position of the log output.
Exception to indicate if processing of input or output data fails.
Service specific mojo properties.
Service implementation for Shippable.
Source callback handles parsed source files from coverage reports.
Service implementation for Travis CI.
Source callback that tracks passed by source files and provides only unique
source files to the delegate.
Service implementation for Wercker CI.
Wildcard text utilities.