Interface CoverageParser

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractXmlEventParser, CloverParser, CoberturaParser, JaCoCoParser, SagaParser

public interface CoverageParser
Handles parsing of a coverage report. The implemenation can be statefull, and the same instance should be used only one time to parse a coverage report. Completed source files are passed to the SourceCallback handler. To maximize performance, the parser should use streaming.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the coverage file.
    Parses a coverage report.
  • Method Details

    • parse

      void parse(SourceCallback callback) throws ProcessingException, IOException
      Parses a coverage report. Parsed source files are passed to the callback handler. This method should be called only once per instance.
      callback - the source callback handler
      ProcessingException - if processing of the coverage report fails
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • getCoverageFile

      File getCoverageFile()
      Gets the coverage file.
      the coverage report file under processing