JSR-168 Portlet Support


As specified in the documentation PDF the factory.requestHelper property must be specified in the displaytag.properties file in your applications classpath. To configure portlet support for the displaytag library ensure the displaytag-portlet.jar is in the classpath and the following line is in your displaytag.properties file.



The displaytag-portlet library needs access to the javax.portlet.PortletRequest and javax.portlet.RenderResponse objects for the request the JSP is rendering in. The library uses the javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext\#findAttribute method to locate the request and response objects using the names javax.portlet.request and javax.portlet.response.

To provide these objects it is recommended they be bound as request attributes using these names. If your portal uses the Apache Pluto portlet container the objects will already be bound to the request using the appropriate names.