Release History
Version | Date | Description |
2.0 | In SVN | |
1.2 | December 27, 2008 | |
1.1.1 | August 15, 2007 | Bugfix release |
1.1 | December 2, 2006 | the long-awaited 1.1 release |
1.0 | January 1, 2005 | 1.0 happynewyear release |
1.0-rc2 | November 19, 2004 | Final 1.0 release candidate |
1.0-rc1 | July 11, 2004 | 1.0 release candidate. |
1.0-b3 | April 12, 2004 | last 1.0 beta |
1.0-b2 | December 8, 2003 | b2 is mainly focused on stabilizing the new 1.0 branch |
1.0-b1 | September 22, 2003 | first beta of the completely rewritten library |
0.8.6 | September 21, 2003 | Bugfix release (fixes jre 1.3 compatibility) |
0.8.5 | March 23, 2003 | |
0.8 | May 25, 2002 | |
0.7 | March 10, 2002 | |
0 | Jan 7th, 2002 | First public alpha feedback release |
Release 2.0 – In SVN
Type | Changes | By |
Added a new PDF export that transforms the XML export with XSL-FO. Templates are customizable. Added support for TableTotaler, which is notified on subgroup starts and stops, and pulls the totaling logic out of the individual exporters or decorators. Added a special Excel export that writes 2 versions of the export, subtotaled and not subtotaled, to 2 different sheets in the workbook. Refactoring to related classes to support these changes. Fixes DISPL-451. | rapruitt | |
Removed support for java 1.4/1.5 and removed the EL version of the tag library. Displaytag 2.0 will require at least java 1.6. For EL support you should just use a container that support direct evaluation of EL expressions (JSP 2.0) with the standard tag library, like tomcat 5.0 or above. | fgiust | |
The org.displaytag.decorator.ColumnDecorator interface, deprecated in displaytag 1.1, has been removed. | fgiust | |
Changed maven groupid from "displaytag" to "org.displaytag" | fgiust | |
Updated code adding generics. Binary compatibility should be preserved, but you may need to adapt your code in order to compile with the new version. | fgiust | |
Changed licensing from "artistic license" to a more standard, OSI-approved MIT license. | fgiust | |
Update itext to version 5.5.2. As a side effect, the RTF export format had tto be removed, since it's not supported anymore in recent itext versions. Fixes DISPL-450 DISPL-650. | fgiust | |
CSV export fixes. Fixes DISPL-688. Thanks to Johno Crawford. | fgiust | |
I18nJstlAdapter should find a locale set in pageContext/request scope. Changed the <tt>org.displaytag.localization.LocaleResolver.resolveLocale(HttpServletRequest)</tt> to <tt>org.displaytag.localization.LocaleResolver.resolveLocale(PageContext)</tt> , so custom locale resolvers needs to be adapted in order to compile/work with displaytag 2.0. Fixes DISPL-687. Thanks to Michael Osipov. | fgiust | |
Export in pdf/excel format was not exporting the full list with <tt>export.amount=list</tt> . Fixes DISPL-292. | fgiust | |
Renamed the display:table <tt>name</tt> attribute to <tt>items</tt> , since "name" was not appropriate anymore since setting the name of the object instead the direct reference was deprecated, now that support for the non EL-version has been dropped. Use <tt>items</tt> to mimic standard jstl tags like <tt>c:forEach</tt> . The old attribute still remains as deprecated. | fgiust | |
Added new <tt>export.banner.item</tt> property for customizing the links generated in the export banner. | fgiust | |
Some JUnit tests fail if VM locale language is not English. Fixes DISPL-676. Thanks to Michael Osipov. | fgiust | |
BufferedResponseWrapper implementation does not adhere to servlet specs regarding content type setting. Fixes DISPL-674. Thanks to Michael Osipov. | fgiust | |
Response character encoding is set on export even if the export type is a binary file. Fixes DISPL-675. Thanks to Michael Osipov. | fgiust | |
Columns with body data between <display:column> and </display:column> are not render properly (empty) when last displayed element was removed. Fixes DISPL-430. | fgiust | |
Reworked <tt>DefaultHref</tt> in order to escape parameters only when composing the final URL, avoid double encoding that could happen in some situations. Fixes DISPL-530. | fgiust | |
Class cache usage causes make using different factory for different tables not work. Fixes DISPL-505. Thanks to Mike Calmus. | fgiust | |
HtmlTableWriter make inconsistent use of TableModel within methods. Fixes DISPL-457. Thanks to Mike Calmus. | fgiust | |
New <tt>export.banner.placement</tt> property. Fixes DISPL-230. Thanks to Peter Daugavietis, Mike Calmus. | fgiust | |
Page numbers localized using wrong locale. Fixes DISPL-606. Thanks to Hilde Meuris. | fgiust | |
Removed deprecated column tag attributes: <tt>paramScope</tt> | fgiust | |
Updated portlet support to JSR-286/portlet 2.0 and added support for JSR-286 resources. Fixes DISPL-677. Thanks to Yannik Hampe. | fgiust | |
Column text should not abbreviated in pdf/excel export when <tt>maxLength</tt> is set. Fixes DISPL-611. | fgiust | |
Javascript function and hidden form fields not rendered when <tt>paging.banner.placement</tt> is set to <tt>bottom</tt>. Fixes DISPL-601. | fgiust | |
Added new i18N adapter for Struts 2, <tt>org.displaytag.localization.I18nStruts2Adapter</tt>. Fixes DISPL-511. Thanks to T SnowWolf Wagner. | fgiust |
Release 1.2 – December 27, 2008
Type | Changes | By |
Export to excel: auto adjust column width. Fixes DISPL-552. Thanks to Punit Mohatta. | fgiust | |
Memory leak when using external sorted and ordered list (paginatedList). Fixes DISPL-559. Thanks to Hurjui Stefan. | fgiust | |
I18nSpringAdapter fails in portlets. Fixes DISPL-562. Thanks to Stephane Landelle. | fgiust | |
Page numbers localized using wrong locale. Fixes DISPL-564. Thanks to Samppa Saarela. | fgiust | |
SortOrderEnum should be serialiable. Fixes DISPL-533. Thanks to Thomas Queste. | fgiust | |
Grouping is performed by default if you don't define any columns. Fixes DISPL-379. Thanks to Michael Osipov. | fgiust | |
POI dependency updated to 3.2-FINAL. This should also fix various encoding problems reported by users. Fixes DISPL-578. Thanks to Janick Reynders. | fgiust | |
Wrong paging banner when using external paging. Fixes DISPL-304. Thanks to Kevin Conaway. | fgiust | |
Write only properties in table decorators were incorrectly recognized as readable. | fgiust | |
Preserve The Current Page And Sort Across Sessions. New "keepStatus" and "clearStatus" table attributes. Fixes DISPL-125. | fgiust | |
Displaytag in a form. New "form" table attribute that can be used to make displaytag submit a form when paging or sorting. Fixes DISPL-157. | fgiust | |
Support for checkboxes. See the example web application for an example, persistent checkboxes can now be implemented by using the new "form" tag attribute and a decorator (org.displaytag.decorator.CheckboxTableDecorator) available in the standard distribution. Fixes DISPL-52. | fgiust | |
Add sublist support for Pagination. Fixes DISPL-497. Thanks to Kevin Conaway. | fgiust | |
Decorator.searchGetterFor() method dumps stacktraces into console. Fixes DISPL-499. | fgiust |
Release 1.1.1 – August 15, 2007
Type | Changes | By |
Replaced dependencies from commons-logging in displaytag poms with jcl-over-slf4jF. | fgiust | |
Added new property to set the default Comparator. Fixes DISPL-306. | rapruitt | |
Displaytag code moved from CVS to a new Subversion repository at | fgiust | |
NPE in displaytag 1.1 when row css class is not set. Fixes DISPL-305. | fgiust | |
ExcelHssfView sets Encoding for headerColumn too late. Fixes DISPL-307. Thanks to Mike Lindenblatt. | fgiust | |
TableDecorator created with 1.0 doesn't work properly with 1.1. Properties defined only it decorator. Fixes DISPL-298. Thanks to Jorge Barroso. | fgiust |
Release 1.1 – December 2, 2006
Type | Changes | By |
New "scope" and "headerScope" attributes added to the column tag (output an html "scope" attribute for web accessibility). Fixes DISPL-224. Thanks to octalpus. | fgiust | |
Column level default sort order. A new "sortorder" attribute has been added to the column tag. Fixes DISPL-208. | fgiust | |
Displaytag 1.1 will require java 1.4 and a servlet 2.3 compatible container. Support for java 1.3 and servlet 2.2 has been dropped. | fgiust | |
Support for per-row css attributes. Fixes DISPL-49. | rapruitt | |
Added new displaytag-export-poi module, with a new binary excel export view using jakarta POI. To enable, add the displayatg-export-poi and poi jars to your classpath, then configure it into your using 'export.excel.class=org.displaytag.export.ExcelHssfView'. Fixes DISPL-162. Thanks to fguist,karsten,rapruitt. | rapruitt | |
setSortProperty function was not overridden in ELColumnTag. Fixes DISPL-171. Thanks to sillybears. | rapruitt | |
The default comparator now uses a Collator instead of #compareTo; if more advanced functionality is needed, you can specify your own Comparator (see in DISPL-18). Code based on several patches and comments in Jira, thanks to all who participated. Fixes DISPL-77. | rapruitt | |
Added support for column level comparators. The comparator attribute may be either a fully qualified classname, or it can be an actual comparator object. Code based on several patches and comments in Jira, thanks to all who participated. Fixes DISPL-18. | rapruitt | |
Footer tag will now execute its body only on the last iteration of the table, instead of on the first. Fixes DISPL-164. | rapruitt | |
Added direct suppport for column totals. Users can access the totals via JSTL in the body of the footer or JSP following the tag. | rapruitt | |
Updated dependencies: commons-beanutils 1.7, commons-collection 3.1. | fgiust | |
Page Listing Incorrect: the last page doesn't show up in the page list when it only contains one record and the page number is > than group size (it only can be accessed using the "last" link. Fixes DISPL-213. | fgiust | |
Example pages have been converted to jsp/xml syntax. | fgiust | |
paging.banner.full: {6} is not the total number of pages. Fixes DISPL-232. | fgiust | |
Table displayed incorrectly with fully loaded last page and page number+1 for page parameter. Fixes DISPL-212. | fgiust | |
HTML title not added with chopped value (using maxlenght with a column containing a String of maxlength + 3 chars). Fixes DISPL-234. | fgiust | |
Default column sort breaks sorting after a few sorts of the column. Fixes DISPL-243. | fgiust | |
Wrong header set in BufferedResponseWrapper when a charset is already defined (missing '='). Fixes DISPL-246. | fgiust | |
New [[DisplaytagColumnDecorator]] interface, which replaces the previous [[ColumnDecorator]] and adds pageContext and media type access. The [[ColumnDecorator]] interface is nor deprecated, but compatibility with old column decorators is preserved. Fixes DISPL-139. | fgiust | |
Support JSR168 based portlets. New displaytag-portlet optional module for JSR-168 support. Fixes DISPL-268. Thanks to Eric Dalquist. | fgiust | |
Multiple Column Decorators. Now you can specify multiple column decorators in the "decorator" column attribute (whitespace separated). Fixes DISPL-25. | fgiust | |
New "format" attribute added to display column. You can now specify a MessageFormat pattern for simple formatting instead of implementing a specific column decorator. Fixes DISPL-28. | fgiust | |
Allow row object to be of type Collection. Now you can use a list of lists as a source for a display:table, using column property="[0]", column property="[1]" to access indexed properties. Fixes DISPL-68. | fgiust | |
Export enhancements: new RTF export view, refactoring of export code for easier extension, expose caption and footer to export view. Fixes DISPL-245. Thanks to Jorge L. Barroso. | fgiust | |
Ability to highlight selected table row. You can use the addRowClass() and addRowId() callbacks in TableDecorator to specificy a different class or id for each row. Check the sample application for an example on how to do this easily. Fixes DISPL-110. | fgiust | |
Ability to use a custom DecoratorFactory. You can now specify a custom decorator factory by setting the new factory.decorator property in Fixes DISPL-222. | fgiust | |
Decorators can now be loaded from objects available in page, request, session or application scope. The default decorator factory will first look for an existing instance then, if not found, it will assume the name it's the fully qualify class name for a decorator and will try to instantiate it using reflection. This allows an easier generation of decorators directly in the jsp page, see the sample webapp for an example. Fixes DISPL-31. | fgiust | |
Option to automatically escape xml. New "escapeXml" attribute added to column tag. Fixes DISPL-80. | fgiust |
Release 1.0 – January 1, 2005
Type | Changes | By |
Fixed some remaining https issues when saving exported files in Internet Explorer with the export filter enabled. | fgiust | |
autolink working with https://, ftp://, etc. Fixes DISPL-150. | fgiust | |
Column body is not rendered when requesting an invalid page. Fixes DISPL-136. | fgiust | |
I18n Struts Adapter now works with Struts 1.1. Fixes DISPL-149. | fgiust | |
Performance optimization: reduce the use of temporary StringBuffers while building the html table. Fixes DISPL-156. | fgiust | |
Sporadic error with factory.requestHelper. Fixes DISPL-148. | fgiust | |
DisplayTag is now able to load from a different classloader (allows displaytag.jar to be placed in appserver shared libs). Fixes DISPL-144. | fgiust | |
Center of paging banner number. Fixes DISPL-109. | fgiust | |
Tag holding references to resources. Fixes DISPL-145. | fgiust | |
Export of nested tables: now you can export the parent table without errors; nested tables are not included during export. Fixes DISPL-142. | fgiust |
Release 1.0-rc2 – November 19, 2004
Type | Changes | By |
getListIndex() in tableDecorator now correctly returns the index in the original list. Fixes 962448. | fgiust | |
Proper encoding of URLs under JDK 1.4. Fixes 1006229. Thanks to Konstantin. | fgiust | |
Properties are looked up according to the locale of the request. More specific locales override more general locales on a key by key basis, so that, if a key is not present in the most specific locale file for a request, the tag will search through the more general files until the key is found. | rapruitt | |
NullpointerException in HeaderCell. Fixes 1020948. | fgiust | |
Param values not URLEncoded. Fixes 1016089. | fgiust | |
Exported output can now optionally be written directly (both with or without the export filter) and not buffered. Fixes DISPL-22. | fgiust | |
Export filter not working in WebLogic. Fixes DISPL-21. | fgiust | |
Export system has been reworked, allowing registration of user-defined export views. A PDF export view has been added as an example (note that PDF export is not enabled by default in the distribution: you need to set the [[export.pdf=true]] config parameter and include the required libraries). Public APIs for export views have changed (a new interface has been added). Fixes DISPL-13. Thanks to Ivan Markov. | fgiust | |
Algorithm in org.displaytag.util.ParamEncoder produces easily colliding keys. Fixes DISPL-12. | fgiust | |
Enable / disable param forwarding. A new [[excludedParams]] attribute has been added to the table tag, which allows you to specify the list of parameters which should not be forwarded during paging or sorting. [[*]] matches any parameter. Fixes DISPL-35. | fgiust | |
The [[titleKey]] column attribute has been added to the standard version of the taglib too. The i18n support for titleKey has been refactored, adding a configurable resource provider which can wrap the localization support of any used frameworks (JSTL, Struts, Spring adapter are included, other can be added be users). Fixes DISPL-53. | fgiust | |
display-el:column titleKey not Resin compatible. Fixes DISPL-15. | fgiust | |
Error: mediaType is already defined. To avoid errors when nested tables are used, the current [[mediaType]] is no more declared as a compile-time variable . This means that you can still retrieve the current media type using [[pageContext.getAttribute("mediaType")]] but not using a scriptlet like [[ <%=mediaType%> ]] . If you previously used this syntax you will have to fix your jsps when upgrading to 1.0 rc2. Fixes DISPL-6. | fgiust | |
The [[name]] attribute in the EL version of table Tag will now work both with EL expressions and with the "standard" displaytag sintax. | fgiust | |
Column JSP body should only execute for rows being shown. Now column body is skipped if current row is not needed for display or sorting (be careful, if you sort the full list row need to be evaluated). Fixes DISPL-3. | fgiust | |
Send user back to Page 1 on Desc/Asc. Fixes DISPL-9. | fgiust | |
More params for [[paging.banner.*_items_found]] . Fixes DISPL-26. | fgiust | |
Html tags in "title" attribute when using maxLength. Fixes DISPL-4. | fgiust | |
Autolink and maxlength problem. Fixes DISPL-1. | fgiust | |
Unicode export with ResponseOverrideFilter fails because of improper content length setting. Fixes DISPL-73. Thanks to Mikko Wilkman. | fgiust | |
Ability to use java var in id attribute in tabletag. A new [[uid]] attribute has been added for jsp 1.0 containers (look at the FAQ for more details). Fixes DISPL-2. | fgiust | |
New [[htmlId]] attribute which let you specify the value for the id attribute in the generated table. | fgiust | |
Webwork i18n support. Fixes DISPL-106. Thanks to Richard HALLIER. | fgiust | |
Need ability to disable prepending of context to the contents of the requestURI attribute. New [[requestURIcontext]] table attribute added. Fixes DISPL-104. | fgiust | |
Using ColumnDecorator with tag body. Fixes DISPL-81. | fgiust | |
New [[sortProperty]] attribute in column tag: specify property used for sorting. Fixes DISPL-58. | fgiust | |
Allow ColumnTag to generate links to current page. Fixes DISPL-117. | fgiust | |
Allow requestURI with only parameters. Fixes DISPL-112. Thanks to Paul McCulloch. | fgiust | |
Allow column href also if paramId is not defined. Fixes DISPL-130. | fgiust |
Release 1.0-rc1 – July 11, 2004
Type | Changes | By |
The EL version of the taglib has been refactored and cleaned up. All the attributes, except deprecated ones, now accept EL expressions. | fgiust | |
Improved attribute value handling following specifications for tag pooling. Should fix issues with Resin. Fixes 927804. | fgiust | |
Modified attribute type specification in tld to match setters in tag classes and added unit tests. Fixes validation issues with WebLogic 8. | fgiust | |
Added support for indexed/mapped properties in table decorators. Fixes 926213. | fgiust | |
MaxLength not working with double quotes. Fixes 920115. | fgiust | |
New property [[basic.msg.empty_list_row]] which let you customize the message for an empty table while using [[basic.empty.showtable = true]] . This also allows you to customize the previously fixed "empty" css class. | fgiust | |
Export links are not shown for empty tables. Fixes 895915. | fgiust | |
ResponseOverrideFilter sets a bad contentType when charset is already specified. Fixes 921811. | fgiust | |
Reset headers during export. This allows export with https and should fix reported problems with Tomcat 5.0. Fixes 938653. | fgiust | |
Wrong tfoot position. Fixes 944863. | fgiust | |
Fixed export.decorated property. Fixes 842234. | fgiust | |
Context path is automatically added to "requestURI" table attribute (only if link starts with "/"). | fgiust | |
The "url" column attribute, already available in the EL version form 1.0-b3, has been moved to the standard library. The "url" attribute has the same meaning as the "href" attribute, but always prepends the context path to the URI. Fixes 894839. | fgiust | |
Column:autolink throwing exception or garbling urls. Fixes 952129. | fgiust | |
Pagination urls parameters wrong for multiple table on the same page. Fixes 944056. Thanks to Sylvere Abbad. | fgiust | |
Unable to set the table "name" attribute in jsp 1.1 containers after release 1.0-b3 ("Unable to convert a String to java.lang.Object for attribute value" error). Fixes 947752. | fgiust | |
The export filter now only filters when needed. Response is not buffered when a special parameter inserted by displaytag in export links is not found. Fixes 958053. | fgiust | |
Export cancel out UTF8 filter. Now headers are not reset during an export request. Only headers which could prevent caching are overwritten. Fixes 968559. | fgiust | |
Automatic column discovery is turned off for Strings. Avoid displaying a single column " [[Bytes]] " when the source collection contains Strings. | fgiust |
Release 1.0-b3 – April 12, 2004
Type | Changes | By |
The export filter introduced in b2 has been modified to avoid errors in Websphere 4 (or in any j2ee 1.2 containers, where the filter can't be used). | rapruitt | |
MediaTypeEnum has been moved to the package. You will need to fix your imports if you started using with in the b2 release. | fgiust | |
All the css classes in the table tag are now customizable. You can change the original [[even, odd, sorted, order1, order2]] classes and also configure a css class to be added to any table or to any sortable column. Fixes 851250. | fgiust | |
Added the "defaultsort" attribute to change the sorting order for the default sorted column. Fixes 867217. | fgiust | |
Added a new configuration property [[basic.empty.showtable]] which let you choose if you want to display the table if the underlining list is empty. | fgiust | |
Breaks on '%' in values. Fixes 840728. Thanks to David Kowis. | fgiust | |
paramProperty is wrong when not fetched from iterated object. Fixes 849207. | fgiust | |
requestURI parameters are overwritten by current values. Fixes 858888. | fgiust | |
Added the export.[exporttype].filename property. | fgiust | |
Export error - Filter not working (wrong constant name). Fixes 882056. | fgiust | |
Added the "style" attribute to column tag. Fixes 887787. | fgiust | |
Export filter was not preserving the locale setting. Fixes 860387. | rapruitt | |
Export filter failed under Weblogic; fixed. Fixes 886495. | rapruitt | |
RequestURI attribute does not handle anchors ('#') properly. Fixes 897946. | fgiust | |
Sortable attribute not working. Fixes 873684. | fgiust | |
Added a [[caption]] tag to display a table caption. Fixes 886050. | fgiust | |
A new [[org.displaytag.util.ParamEncoder]] class has been added, to allow users to generate encoded parameter names like tabletag does. Important! From now tables in the same pages which use the sorting, paging or exporting feature MUST have a different ID | fgiust | |
Added the new [[sort.amount]] configuration property. | fgiust | |
Switching from Cactus to Servletunit tests. Servletunit tests resulted simpler to implement and more effective in testing tag output. | fgiust | |
Test coverage reports added to the build. Free license for the displaytag project kindly donated by Clover. | fgiust | |
Two /tbody generated. Fixes 891070. | fgiust | |
Support for arrays of Maps has been added in automatic column discovery. If you pass an array of map objects to the table tag the list of columns will be generated from the keys of the first map in the array. This allows to use the result of a jstl sql:query tag in a display:table without columns (use [[ result.rows ]] in the name attribute). | fgiust | |
Added Expression Support ala JSTL. To use it, just specify your taglib URI to be [[]] . The EL sintax is replacing the old proprietary sintax in the table "name" attribute. Note that the old [[scope]] and [[property]] attributes are no more supported in the EL version of the tag. EL support in this release is preliminary and it's due to change in next releases. Thanks to Tim McCune. | mraible | |
Added to the EL taglib only a "titleKey" attribute which will lookup it's value as a key in a JSTL bundle (declared using the <fmt:bundle tag or in your web.xml). | mraible | |
Added to the EL taglib only a "url" attribute is an enhancement to the "href" attribute which prepends the contextPath. | mraible | |
URLs now include session information for page links, sort links, urls set with "requestURI" or "href". Also fixes reported NPE in tomcat. Fixes 902399. | fgiust | |
Binary releases are now compatible both with the 2.1 and 3.0 version of common-collections. Fixes 879038. | fgiust | |
RequestHelper implementation is now configurable and can be replaced by a user-defined one. This allows users to plug-in specific implementations. See the configuration page and the RequestHelper javadocs for more info. Fixes 917569. | fgiust | |
Error in paging for URLs containing "{}". Fixes 917200. | fgiust | |
You can now set a property value in the body of a setProperty tag, instead of using the "value" attribute. | fgiust |
Release 1.0-b2 – December 8, 2003
Type | Changes | By |
Invalid xhtml if empty list. Fixes 814470. | fgiust | |
paging.banner.placement property. Fixes 749119. | fgiust | |
Automatic column discovery when no columns are defined. Instead of the simple output with the object toString() and the message "please define column tags", the table tag will automatically add columns mapped to object properties. This is especially useful in development to quickly see and test available properties. | fgiust | |
The following methods in TableDecorator are now correctly declared as [[final]] : [[getViewIndex()]] , [[getListIndex()]] , [[initRow(Object, int, int)]] , [[getCurrentRowObject()]] . These methods should never be extended in subclasses of TableDecorator. | fgiust | |
Removed the [[value]] property of ColumnTag. This was totally undocumented in previous versions and is now useless. | fgiust | |
Body not cleared with pooled ColumnTags. Fixes 823383. | fgiust | |
Sorting with table decorators. Fixes 814058. | fgiust | |
Parameters not preserved in requestURI. Fixes 830652. | fgiust | |
Added a check for availability of correct version on commons-lang: a message is displayed if a wrong version is used. | rapruitt | |
New jsp 1.2 tld is available. Tag reference documentation is automatically produced from dtd. | rapruitt | |
Column JSP body should not execute if the list is empty. Fixes 814462. | fgiust | |
Added filter (only for j2ee 1.3 containers) to allow exports from inside of an included JSP page. See the install docs and javadocs for more information. Fixes 820763. | rapruitt | |
Exported data is now properly escaped for the output format. | fgiust | |
Include header in excel export. Fixes 773162. | fgiust | |
Properties inheritance between table decorators. Fixes 840011. | fgiust | |
User properties can now be loaded from files when deployed in unexploded WAR. Fixes 831806. | rapruitt | |
Altered the properties search process. Properties in the file will now override properties from Users can add additional properties via the TableProperties#setUserProperties() method. | rapruitt | |
Added media attribute to ColumnTag. Broadened ExportTypeEnum to also cover the HTML case; renamed to MediaTypeEnum. Current mediaType exposed via scripting variable 'mediaType'. This can be used in column content to generate output based on madia type (don't output html when exporting and so on). | rapruitt |
Release 1.0-b1 – September 22, 2003
Type | Changes | By |
Mavenized! Thanks to Didier Dubois for the help on migrating the build system to maven. | fgiust | |
Totally refactored/rewritten. The whole library has been rewritten, improved package structure, code quality, logging and exception handling. | fgiust | |
Major addiction: the table tag works now also with an iterator approach, letting you specify content in the body of the column tag. | fgiust | |
Better html output. The rendered html code is now completely xhtml STRICT compliant. Some of the css classes have been changed, check the docs for upgrading from previous versions. | fgiust | |
Global configuration with a user supplied properties file (configured in web.xml) which lets you personalize most of the tag output. | fgiust | |
Link attributes are encoded to let you use more table in the same page with independent paging, sorting and exporting. You can also put nested display:table tag! | fgiust | |
Link parameters are preserved in paging/sorting. Paging will always keep the correct order, and it will also maintain the correct order/page for all the table displayed. | fgiust | |
Example site refactored (xhtml strict+css), added new samples. | fgiust | |
It's now possible to define objects/nested attributes with the beanutils style language + scope (ex. sessionScope.list.value.attribute(name).item[1] = session.getAttribute("list").getValue().getAttribute("name").getItem[1]). | fgiust | |
Lots of small changes/addiction: <ul> <li>renamed attributes "styleClass" to standard "class" ("styleClass" is retained but deprecated)</li> <li>added "defaultsort" attribute to specify the default sorted column</li> </ul> | fgiust |
Release 0.8.6 – September 21, 2003
Type | Changes | By |
Fixed export of full list | ||
Compiled binaries are compatible with jre 1.3 (8.5 version was not working on jre 1.3 due to optimized 1.4 compilation). |
Release 0.8.5 – March 23, 2003
Type | Changes | By |
Allow column elements to be nested inside other tags. Thanks to Luiz-Otavio Zorzella. | Luiz-Otavio Zorzella | |
In decorators, added method getCollection() to allow for Collections, Iterators and Maps to be used as well as Lists. Thanks to Luiz-Otavio Zorzella. | Luiz-Otavio Zorzella | |
Original table tag only works with Lists. Now works with Collections, Iterators and Maps as well (though some functions, like group totals are not available to these, due to limitations on the structures themselves). Thanks to Luiz-Otavio Zorzella. | Luiz-Otavio Zorzella | |
Added startRow() to the decorator API to allow people to put headers on groupings as well as footers. | ed-hill | |
Fixed a caching bug in with tables that had multiple pages, the pageNumber is now reset to 1 in the tag object. | ed-hill | |
Fixed various with URL rewriting (? vs &). | ed-hill | |
Correct error message on bean property lookups. | ed-hill | |
Build/Deploy process updates to be more dynamic. | mraible |
Release 0.8 – May 25, 2002
Type | Changes | By |
added various properties that can be override that effect the default strings and behaviors of table, here are some brief examples of message and behaviors that you can now set, see examples-config.jsp for a complete list [!!] - include the header at the top of the table basic.msg.empty_list - string displayed when there are no items to show sort.behavior - sort just viewable items, or entire list export.banner - message format shown in footer, you can localize export.csv - include CSV export option export.csv.label - name of link (localize) export.csv.include_header - include the column titles in the export? export.amount - export just the page of data or the complete list export.decorated - decorate the data as it is exported? | ||
introduced two new column attributes "maxLength", "maxWords" that will restrict the size of strings being shown in a column. | mraible | |
introduced new column attribute "headerStyleClass" that allows you to override the class name used in drawing the table's header cell for that column. | ||
introduced ColumnDecorators - you can now decorate individual columns, this makes it easier for you to define reusable DateFmt, MoneyFmt, etc... decorators rather then developing a customer decorator for each table. Note, the decorator interface is still not to my liking, expect changes before this tag gets a 1.0 release. Thanks to Jay Paulsen. | jay-paulsen | |
fixed a bug, where nulls were *not* being suppressed like they should be in the display, now nulls will only be shown if you specify the nulls attribute of the column tag. | mraible | |
fixed my web.xml files in the various wars - they were not compliant and Tomcat would barf while deploying them - I'm now testing under JRun 3.1/4.0 and Tomcat 4.0.4b3. Thanks to Joachim Martin. | Joachim Martin | |
fixed bug in example-styles.jsp, was using a variable "page" which is a rarely used standard JSP variable (JRun didn't care, Tomcat did), just renamed the variable so that example runs under Tomcat. Thanks to Joachim Martin. | Joachim Martin | |
fixed bug that prevented the first column from being sorted in both ascending and descending order | ||
fixed a problem where a decorated table would interfere with fetching the source list on subsequent fetches | ||
bug was introduced in 0.7 that prevented a decorated object from being exported correctly, that has been fixed | ||
bug was introduced in 0.7 that prevented a decorated object from being sorted correctly, that has been fixed | ||
included a copy of the Artistic license that this program is distributed under |
Release 0.7 – March 10, 2002
Type | Changes | By |
added the requestURI attribute, so that you could tell the table tag what URI was used to call it. | ||
fixed some exporting bugs, added the ability to export in XML, although at this stage it is very crude. | ||
fixed sorting so that it sorts in both ascending and descending order based on multiple title clicks. | ||
updated all of the example jsp pages with a link that people can click on to view that pages source. Also re-organized the pages so that the example table was always at the top of the page as the first thing you saw, and the commentary behind the example followed. | ||
The table tag now properly expects any decorators used to be children of the org.apache.taglibs.display.TableDecorator class (it was in the wrong package before). Reported by everyone... | ||
Underscore is not a legal character in CSS, so the various style names and attributes where changes to be in uppercase format. - table_cell -> tableCell - table_row_odd -> tableRowOdd - table_row_even -> tableRowEven - table_row_action -> tableRowAction - table_cell_action -> tableCellAction - table_row_header -> tableRowHeader - table_cell_header -> tableCellHeader. | mraible | |
Cleaned up the other examples that were incomplete. Fixed broken links, etc... | ||
Cloned the ColumnTags as I added them to the TableTag so that the table tag works correctly with web containers that reuse tags as an optimization. (Resin and Weblogic, probably others). This bug would manifest itself with multiple duplicated columns. Thanks to Jim Canter. | Jim Canter | |
flushed out the example-export example that shows how to automatically export data to CSV, excel and XML formats. | ||
flushed out the example-callback example that shows how to use a decorator to implement summing and totaling... The functionality was included in the original version, but there wasn't an example that showed how to use it. | ||
fixed a NPE if you passed the table tag a null list. | ||
updated the example-grouping.jsp page to show a more report oriented example. | ||
Included the pointer to the 2.2 DTD in the web.xml files. Thanks to Rob Evans. | ||
added 'flush="true"' to all of my jsp:includes in my examples to be more in sync with the JSP 1.1 spec. Thanks to Dirk Storck. |
Release 0 – Jan 7th, 2002
Type | Changes | By |
No changes recorded prior to this release. |